Origin Located between Knoxville and Paducah, Tennessee, the Tennessee River seems to be a 652 mile-long waterway that empties into the Ohio River after flowing through the state. The Clinch River, a Little Tennessee River, and the Hiwassee River, among…
In the preservation and protection of the Tennessee River, a diverse range of civil society groups have taken an active part. The Tennessee Waterkeeper is also one of the major environmental advocacy groups on the Tennessee River, working to protect…
International Trade-Offs The economic triumph of the TVA efforts — the dams, its electric generation, the maritime locks – was accompanied by major environmental consequences, which are still being felt today. In recent years, greater economic activity was shown to…
Thousands of tonnes of air pollutants are released into the atmosphere each year by the oil and gas sector in the United States. There are vast quantities of harmful air pollutants and pollutants that contribute to ozone smog pollution in…
The “Toxic 20,” a ranking of the states with the greatest levels of coal-fired power plant pollution, was produced for the second year in a row by the National Resources Defense Council. Tennessee comes in at number 11 on the…